Monday, August 19, 2013

Video Games

           Since I was 3 or 4 years old, I was always a huge fan of video games! I loved video games with a passion! They give me a chance to step into a virtual world and take part in all of the fun the game has to offer! And there's different types of games from different types of genres so you don't have to get bored playing the same old games. I remember what my first system was. A Nintendo 64. I played all types of games on it. Mario Kart. Super Mario Smash Bros. Brawl Melee. NBA Jam. Super-Man. It didn't matter! Then, there was the Dreamcast! I loved the Dreamcast! I used to play Devil May Cry 2 all day long! I also remembered that it was originally my dad's system, but he knew that I loved video games so much that he let me have it! I was also playing a game called Ready 2 Rumble Boxing on the Dreamcast and my favorite character on that game was Afro Thunder! I also remember playing that amazing Sonic the Hedgehog game which I never beat, but I do remember playing it every single day! Then the PS1 came out and I had a lot of games for that system! I had Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2, Spider-Man, this fighting game that I got mad at because I couldn't beat a certain fighter so I broke the disc, Crash Bandicoot, whatever was around! I love my game systems and then there was the next gen...
           My GameCube! Man, was I in love with my GameCube! When the GameCube first came out, I had it! I remember playing the demo disc that came with the game for hours! I liked to play the demo version of the video game Viewtiful Joe! I mean, the one thing that I hate about video games are the demos! I can't stand demos! You could start the game, play it and then the whole game's over in under 30 seconds! But this type of demo was worth it! It wasn't until my dad bought the actual game that I was ecstatic about playing the game because I had the full game! I could finally play the entire story mode and the game won't cut off unless I turn off the system! When I think about Viewtiful Joe, I think of all the memories that came with the experience of playing that game from sunup to sundown! But that's not all! I had Spider-Man 2 (loved it), Tony Hawk's Underground 1 & 2 (both epic), Harry Potter (amazing) and so much more! I remember I had 16 games for that one system!
           Then I got the XBOX which was, once again, my dad's system that he let me have because I wanted to play on it so badly! As for the games, I had Burnout Revenge (my all-time favorite), Black (the most hardcore FPS of its time), Jet Set Radio Future (the most flyest and tricked out game ever created), Blinx (it was alright), Crimson Skies (the most epic aerial game in existence), etc. I just loved the XBOX at the time.
            Then, there was the Wii! I literally exploded with energy when I got my first Wii! My very first games were Pokémon: Battle Revolution (why'd I give that game away?), Mario Party 8 (freakin' love that game!), and something else! I can't fathom what it was, but it was amazing that my parents got me one when I wanted one so badly! I still have it even though it just sits on my cabinet collecting dust and remains unplugged! Man, do I remember the times I had with my Wii! I used to bring my Wii games over to my friend's house and we would play and eat French toast at the same time! It was wonderful! Plus, since I was connected to the Internet, I added all of these channels to my Wii console which increased more awesomeness from my system! But that was the past unfortunately and this is now! And now, the old game console that I'm currently playing on is my PS3 in which I worked so hard cutting grass around my neighborhood to raise money for me to purchase one! And when I finally got it, man was I happy! I was ready to plug it in, play Call of Duty: Black Ops and enjoy all of the features that the PS3 had! I love to play on-line and I'm always up for a challenge!

           To all of the gamers out there, thank you for taking time out of beating the newest game that you recently purchased while consuming large quantities of potato chips and soda to read about my gaming history! Don't forget to share, comment, tell your friends, e-mail, like or share on Google+! LONG LIVE VIDYA GAMES!
