OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH...MY...F****** GOD! I can't do this! I just can't! I didn't want it to go down like this! If anything, this was the one thing that I was trying SO HARD to prevent! I didn't want to push this girl away. I just wanted to hang out with her and talk to her! Now she has the whole world against me! If anything, the one thing that I wish I could do is turn back time so that I could correct my mistake! And...it really smells in here!
Her name was Maxine. She was the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life. I never seen anything like her. She was tall, smart and not to mention extremely gorgeous. She was a singer based in Los Angeles that had the most angelic voice that I have ever heard. It was sublime. Every time I would hear her on the radio, I would turn that song all the way up and rock out to it. Her song "I Want You" would make me feel like she was speaking to me and only me.
"I want you
And only you
You know that this is true
I loooove yooooooou
But I just won't settle for any old dude
You got to be smart
You got to be smart
You got to be kind
And you got to tell your friends that you are all mine
I just want you to know
That I'll never let you go
And that you are my one and only beau"
I loved that song! I went out, bought her whole album and that was the only thing that I listened to. And here's where the good news comes in. She was doing a concert in New York tomorrow which is supposed to be the biggest concert of the year! The Summer Music Bash! I wanted to go, but I didn't have enough money so I sold my old Gateway desktop computer on E-bay and got $200 out of it. (Who would've thought)? So I paid $100 for the V.I.P. treatment which included valet parking, a front row seat and a backstage pass. I got into my Ford Focus, locked the doors and windows in my house and left my state of New Jersey en route to NYC. I used the remainder of my money to book a night at a hotel. When I got in my room, I took a shower, looked out the window and all I seen was the stadium that Maxine that would be performing in. Elated, I went into my bag, got my MP3 player and listened to Maxine's album "4EVER" until I went to sleep.
I woke up around 12 p.m. with the album still playing on my MP3 player. I pressed the "Stop" button on my MP3 player and got ready for the concert. I took a shower, put my clothes on and went downstairs to eat at the hotel restaurant. For 30 minutes, it was people watching the news which was talking about nothing but the Summer Music Bash. I heard people around me saying:
"I can't wait to hear Jimmy Fipp sing his heart out! I just want to touch his long, precious, blond hair! (girlish squeal)"
"I know! And my favorite boy group, SKIE! OMG! Every time Trevor sings, I just lose it!"
"Come on! Let's get there early so that we don't lose our seats!"
I thought "I, however, don't need to worry about that. Because I'm V.I.P., baby! WHOOO!" I left the restaurant around 12:50 and drove to the arena! Then I seen a sign that said "V.I.P. parking and I put my shades on and "eased on down the road". When I reached the middle of the street, a man in a suit and tie went to my car door, opened it and I stepped out. I gave him the keys and he parked my car in the V.I.P. parking section of the arena. I was escorted into the arena by a group of security guards who treated me like a celebrity! I was so excited that I couldn't even believe what was happening. The guards escorted us to our seats which were in the front row of the arena and we, literally, had the best seats in the house! The seats were actually recliners that had cup holders, complimentary popcorn and soda, and (This made me want to pass out) a seat warming/massage button! Now when you pressed the button, it could either: warm the chair OR massage your body! I felt like I was in heaven! I sat down and awaited the magic that was Maxine. I asked one of the guards:
"Excuse me. When is Maxine going to perform?"
The guard said:
"Oh, she's the last act!"
Surprised by his response, I looked at him and said:
"Wait, she's the last act?"
He replied:
"Yes, sir. She is! What? You were expecting her to go first?"
I said in a slightly aggravated tone of voice:
"Yes! I thought she was going to be the main event!"
The guard replied:
"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. We have some other amazing artists on the bill. Why don't you give a listen to them?"
Knowing that I have no power over who was going to perform first or last on the bill, I had to accept the fact that I was not going to hear Maxine perform first. So I thought of it this way: "They're saving the best for last!" It'd be better for her to perform last than for her not to perform at all! Then I thought of something. I would just listen to Maxine's album on my MP3 player than I had brought. Then an announcement came on the intercom:
"The Summer Music Bash will start in 5 minutes! Everyone attending the show, please get to your seats! The doors will be closing in 5 minutes!"
Just then, people started entering the arena. They started filling up every seat in the house until all you heard was chattering from every direction. But I wasn't worrying about it because I had my MP3 player in my pocket meaning I'll let Maxine's voice drown everyone out! I kicked back, relaxed and was taken away by Maxine's glorious voice.
"I can't wait to hear Jimmy Fipp sing his heart out! I just want to touch his long, precious, blond hair! (girlish squeal)"
"I know! And my favorite boy group, SKIE! OMG! Every time Trevor sings, I just lose it!"
"Come on! Let's get there early so that we don't lose our seats!"
I thought "I, however, don't need to worry about that. Because I'm V.I.P., baby! WHOOO!" I left the restaurant around 12:50 and drove to the arena! Then I seen a sign that said "V.I.P. parking and I put my shades on and "eased on down the road". When I reached the middle of the street, a man in a suit and tie went to my car door, opened it and I stepped out. I gave him the keys and he parked my car in the V.I.P. parking section of the arena. I was escorted into the arena by a group of security guards who treated me like a celebrity! I was so excited that I couldn't even believe what was happening. The guards escorted us to our seats which were in the front row of the arena and we, literally, had the best seats in the house! The seats were actually recliners that had cup holders, complimentary popcorn and soda, and (This made me want to pass out) a seat warming/massage button! Now when you pressed the button, it could either: warm the chair OR massage your body! I felt like I was in heaven! I sat down and awaited the magic that was Maxine. I asked one of the guards:
"Excuse me. When is Maxine going to perform?"
The guard said:
"Oh, she's the last act!"
Surprised by his response, I looked at him and said:
"Wait, she's the last act?"
He replied:
"Yes, sir. She is! What? You were expecting her to go first?"
I said in a slightly aggravated tone of voice:
"Yes! I thought she was going to be the main event!"
The guard replied:
"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. We have some other amazing artists on the bill. Why don't you give a listen to them?"
Knowing that I have no power over who was going to perform first or last on the bill, I had to accept the fact that I was not going to hear Maxine perform first. So I thought of it this way: "They're saving the best for last!" It'd be better for her to perform last than for her not to perform at all! Then I thought of something. I would just listen to Maxine's album on my MP3 player than I had brought. Then an announcement came on the intercom:
"The Summer Music Bash will start in 5 minutes! Everyone attending the show, please get to your seats! The doors will be closing in 5 minutes!"
Just then, people started entering the arena. They started filling up every seat in the house until all you heard was chattering from every direction. But I wasn't worrying about it because I had my MP3 player in my pocket meaning I'll let Maxine's voice drown everyone out! I kicked back, relaxed and was taken away by Maxine's glorious voice.
3 Hours Later!
"Hey, buddy! *fingers snap* Hey, wake up!"
I woke up and looked only to see the same security guard from earlier wake me up. I got my MP3 player and pressed the "Stop" button. I asked the guard:
"Hey, what happened?"
He replied:
"What happened was you missed your girl perform along with the whole concert! You fell asleep through the whole show!"
I looked at him in utter shock and also looked around at the arena! To my amazement, there was no one in sight! Everybody left! Popcorn bags, candy, soda, glow sticks and glow rings, strands of hair, ticket stubs. I said to the guard in despair:
"I missed Maxine! Oh my god! I came all the way out here for nothing! Great! I missed my one chance to meet Maxine!"
The guard said:
"Now I wouldn't say all that!"
I said, carelessly:
"Oh, really? Why not?"
The guard replied:
"Because Maxine is still here! In her dressing room!"
Immediately, I jumped out of my chair and asked the security guard if he could take me to her. He asked me for my backstage pass and I pulled it out of my pocket. Unfortunately, the plastic on the pass was melted because of the heat from the chair! Then I thought: "Oh no! Now I'll never meet Maxine! I can't get in with a melted pass!"
Fortunately for me, the guard let it slide and said to me for future reference:
"That's why you wear the pass around your neck, sir."
I said to him, graciously:
Oh, yes sir! Thank you sir! I don't know how I can repay you!"
The guard said to me:
"Just be cool when you see, Maxine! She doesn't like creepy guys!"
Then I thought "(gasps) Just like the song!"
I followed the guard backstage to where Maxine's dressing room was going to be at. We came across a door with a large red heart on it with "MAXINE" in the middle of it. The guard knocked on the door and said:
"Excuse me, Miss Maxine!"
A wonderful and angelic voice from behind the door said:
The guard said:
"There is a boy here that would like to see you!"
Maxine said:
"Just one secoooond!"
We heard footsteps making their way to the door and locks latching from the door. Then as the door opened, a huge blast of wind met my face and there she was! Maxine...in all her beauty! I was nervous that I couldn't say anything! I felt as if the wind left my very body!
Maxine said to me:
"Hi! I'm Maxine! What's your name?"
Because I was THAT nervous, I babbled incoherently and wasn't speaking correct English. Fortunately, she thought it was funny and laughed. She said to me:
"Please. Come in and let's get to know each other!"
I walked into her dressing room and looked at her in amazement. She asked me again:
"Now, let's start with your name. What is it?"
I looked into her eyes and took a deep breath. Then I said to her:
"M-m-m-my-m-m-my n-nammm-NAME i-ssssssss- J-j-j-j-eee-JEFF! Jeff! My name is Jeff!"
She laughed and said to me:
"You're funny! I like you!"
Immediately, a sudden warmth started to overcome me and I felt as if I was her one and only. Like she wanted me and only me! I felt like she wanted me all to herself. (Just like the song). Then I had to realize that this was only a compliment and only that. I can't make this bigger than what it is. That's where mistakes happen. So I took it as that and asked her this:
"I like you too. In fact, you're my favorite singer! I play your album everyday and never get tired of hearing it!"
She smiled brightly and said to me:
"That is so sweet! I love hearing that! You have absolutely no idea what that means to me! It's positive comments like that that continue to get me the drive, the spark and the energy to do this! Because none of this would be possible without the love, dedication and support of my fans!"
Her words were so pure and passionate that I had no choice but to start crying tears of joy. She held my face, looked at my face and started singing to me:
"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You never know, Jeff
How much I loooooooooove you
Please don't take my sunshine awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy"
My eyes dried up as I stared into her eyes. I looked at her and said:
"You are a dream come true!"
She giggled and said:
"You seem like a very nice guy. Let me give you my number!"
She went to her dresser, got a notepad and wrote her number. She ripped a piece of the paper with the number on it and gave it to me. It was the happiest day of my life! I got my favorite singer's number! As I held the sheet of paper, my hands started shaking! I got up out of the chair that I was sitting in and hugged her. She hugged me and as we were hugging, my legs started shaking. I couldn't believe what was happening! I got to meet Maxine, have her sing to me, got her number and now she hugged me! Could life get any better? I stopped hugging her and she said to me:
"Well, I gotta go! My tour bus is waiting for me!"
I said to her:
"I'll call you when I get home!"
She smiled and said:
"I'll be looking forward to it!"
As we both walked out, I turned off her light and closed her door. I held her hand and gave one last look at her and said:
"I wish more girls were like you."
Then she said:
"And I wish more guys...were like you."
Then that's when I let go of her hand and she walked towards the backstage exit, making her way to her tour bus. I stood in the middle of the backstage hallway and watched her walk away from my vision. It was then that I started to realize that Maxine wasn't like other girls. She was delicate, pure and amazingly beautiful. I never met anyone this miraculous in my entire life! She truly was sent from Heaven just for me!
Then a voice from behind me came and said:
"Are you all done back here, sir? We're about to close the arena."
I looked back and seen the security guard from earlier. I said to him:
"Yes. Yes I am."
He said to me:
"Well, in that case, follow me sir!"
We both walked out the back entrance of the arena and the valets approached us with my Ford Focus! The valet opened the door and said:
"Here you go, sir! I took the liberty of having the car cleaned and I also placed an air freshener inside the vehicle just so you can remember that you were here!"
I went to the valet and shook his hand and also his partner's hand who was playing Candy Crush on his IPhone 5S. I got in the car and drove away from the arena with the valets and security guard waving me "Goodbye" as I drove back to my home in New Jersey. I got my MP3 player and played Maxine's album "4EVER".
As soon as I got home, I parked the car in my garage, walked inside my house, pulled out my phone and texted Maxine.
"Hey, Maxine!
1 minute later, she responded by saying:
"Hi! Is this Jeff?"
I replied excitedly by texting:
She responded:
"Okay, aren't we loud?"
Then worriedly, I texted her back saying:
"Oh, no, no, no! I wasn't yelling at you! I'm just so excited to be texting you!"
She responded back by saying:
"Oh...my bad! Did you enjoy yourself at the concert?"
That's when I thought:
"You mean that concert that I fell asleep on? Yeah, I enjoyed that concert very well!"
I may've thought that, but that's not what I texted. What I texted was:
"Yeah, I did!"
Then she texted:
"Who did you enjoy the most?"
When she asked this, I hesitated for a moment and thought about how I could properly answer this question. How could I tell her who was the best when I didn't even see the concert? Then I thought: I can just say SHE was! After all, she was the only singer that I heard at the concert!"
I texted her back and said:
"You were!"
She responded back and said:
"awwww! You're so nice !!"
We texted each other for about a hour and a half before she got tired. She said she had a huge benefit the next day and she had to wake up early for rehearsal. I texted her and asked her:
"Could I text you tomorrow? Because I really enjoyed talking to you. You're not like other girls...You're different and that's what I like about you!"
She responded and said:
"Yeah, I'd like that."
After that was done, I put the phone down and waited for tomorrow! I was so excited that I couldn't even sleep! I was texting Maxine! THE MAXINE! I just couldn't believe it! So since I couldn't remotely fall asleep, I got my MP3 player for the 3rd time and played "4EVER" until I fell asleep.
She responded back by saying:
"Oh...my bad! Did you enjoy yourself at the concert?"
That's when I thought:
"You mean that concert that I fell asleep on? Yeah, I enjoyed that concert very well!"
I may've thought that, but that's not what I texted. What I texted was:
"Yeah, I did!"
Then she texted:
"Who did you enjoy the most?"
When she asked this, I hesitated for a moment and thought about how I could properly answer this question. How could I tell her who was the best when I didn't even see the concert? Then I thought: I can just say SHE was! After all, she was the only singer that I heard at the concert!"
I texted her back and said:
"You were!"
She responded back and said:
"awwww! You're so nice !!"
We texted each other for about a hour and a half before she got tired. She said she had a huge benefit the next day and she had to wake up early for rehearsal. I texted her and asked her:
"Could I text you tomorrow? Because I really enjoyed talking to you. You're not like other girls...You're different and that's what I like about you!"
She responded and said:
"Yeah, I'd like that."
After that was done, I put the phone down and waited for tomorrow! I was so excited that I couldn't even sleep! I was texting Maxine! THE MAXINE! I just couldn't believe it! So since I couldn't remotely fall asleep, I got my MP3 player for the 3rd time and played "4EVER" until I fell asleep.
I woke up at around 10:30 a.m. and the first thing that I did was text Maxine! I texted her:
"Good morning, Maxine!"
I put the phone and walked away to go to the kitchen and make breakfast. I went into the refrigerator and got my eggs, then Pancake mix and went into the freezer and brought out the bacon. As I was cooking, I started thinking about Maxine and all she could be doing right now. Maybe she's on TV promoting her benefit concert. I dropped everything, got the remote, flipped through the channels and found nothing. There was nothing on TV talking about Maxine or her concert. So I went back to the kitchen, got all of my cooking materials and start making breakfast for myself. As I was cooking, I started re-thinking about what Maxine could be doing. She could already be rehearsing and left her phone somewhere so that she could fully concentrate on her performance. She could still be on her tour bus traveling with her band mates seeing the sights of whatever destination that they all traveled. She could probably already be performing with her band entertaining millions upon millions of people that appeared at her show. She could be doing a lot of things right now at this time, so I thought nothing of it and made my breakfast.
I got my eggs, pancakes and bacon, sat at the table with my laptop, went to YouTube and watched one of Maxine's concerts that she did in Canada as I ate. For an hour and 37 minutes, that's all I watched! Maxine performing for the Canadian masses! She was singing and dancing in her short, black miniskirt with a red t-shirt that read "LOVE" on it. Everyone was loving her! Her melodies, her harmonizing that she would do in the beginning of some of her songs and how she did something that I never thought that she could do- she played the piano! Oh, man! She was great! I almost passed out! It was breathtaking, it was exhilarating, it was... rejuvenating! And it made me realize something. I wanted to talk to her!
I went to my phone and sent a message to Maxine saying:
"Hey Maxine!"
I put the phone down and went to my TV again to watch TRL. And what do you think I see on the screen? Maxine's music video "GRRL"! The music video was a breakout song that encouraged teenage girls as well as women to fight back against chauvinistic men and not settling for less. It was ranked #1 on the Pop Charts for 3 months for providing a positive message to the female population, a battle cry for abused women and the theme song to the "Feminist Legion for the Advancement of Women." (So, it was a pretty big deal).
So then I thought: "That could never happen to me! Maxine and I are cool! We're best friends!" I went outside and took a walk around my neighborhood. As I started walking, everything around me started reminding me of Maxine. People driving the street playing her songs, her face appearing on billboards, walls, posters, etc., everywhere! I even went to a KFC to order a 10-piece bucket meal and there was a family who sung her song as loud as possible! I got my meal to go and ate while I was walking back home. As I ate my chicken, I started thinking: "I wonder how Maxine was doing. Let me call her when I get home!" The thought of me calling Maxine on the phone made me want to sprint all the way to my house! I grabbed my bucket of chicken and held it tightly and dashed all the way to my house. I managed to make it back home in under 5 minutes and I ended up tiring myself out!
I put my chicken on the counter and went towards my phone. I picked up my phone and dialed Maxine's number! I couldn't contain myself! I was about to talk to Maxine on the phone! I can't believe it! But as I listened to the dial tone for 10 seconds, I heard the following recording:
*Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.*
That's when I thought "No, no, no! She has to answer! She always answers!" I picked the phone up once again and called her number. Again, dial tone for 10 seconds and the same message:
*Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.*
I put the phone down on my table and very slowly, sat on my couch and started crying. I cried out:
"Why won't she answer me? Why? Why? Why?!!"
Then I did the dumbest thing that I could possibly think of! I tossed my phone across the room and it hit a lamp! I then curled into a ball on my couch and cried myself to sleep. A couple of minutes later, I had a dream. A dream that pretty much changed my whole character in a matter of minutes. In the dream, I got a call from Maxine! I said:
"Maxine! Oh am I glad to hear from you!"
She giggled and said:
"Me too! How are you?"
I responded:
"Great ever since I started talking to you! What are you doing?"
She said:
"Oh...nothing! Just..."
Then I heard a man in the background saying:
"Hey, babe? Who is that?"
She answered the man by saying:
"Oh, nobody! Just a friend."
He said:
"Well, can your friend love you like this?"
Then all I heard was kissing and moaning on the other end. I got so upset at what I was hearing that I said, angrily:
"Hey, stop that! That's my girl!"
Then the man got back on the phone and said:
"Naw, bro! She's mine, man! Mine!"
Then Maxine yelled out:
"Ooh! You tell him, baby!"
Then the man said:
"And uhh...one last thing! Don't ever call her ever again, okay? WOLF OUT!"
Then Maxine yelled out:
"Ooh! That's what I like you, baby! I love it when you take charge! Now, kiss me!"
As they were going at it, I pretty much lost control and shrieked in furious anger:
And that's when I woke up! I looked around and my phone was still on the floor after I threw it at the lamp! I went over to the phone and picked it up off the ground. I called Maxine's number again and the same result occurred. 10 seconds of dial tone and then the same message.
*Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.*
I hung up the phone and yelled at the ceiling:
"AUGGHHH! Why is she not answering the phone?" I started going mad! I started losing it! I thought that Maxine was avoiding me on purpose! I need to speak to her! I just have to! Then that's when I had an idea! I got into my Ford Focus and drove to the bank! I went and made a withdraw on my entire life savings! $617.85! I was going to leave to go to California to go see Maxine! I went back to my house, bought a plane ticket online, got everything that I needed for the trip and left. I drove to the nearest airport, got on the flight headed to Cali and relaxed.
I went to my phone and sent a message to Maxine saying:
"Hey Maxine!"
I put the phone down and went to my TV again to watch TRL. And what do you think I see on the screen? Maxine's music video "GRRL"! The music video was a breakout song that encouraged teenage girls as well as women to fight back against chauvinistic men and not settling for less. It was ranked #1 on the Pop Charts for 3 months for providing a positive message to the female population, a battle cry for abused women and the theme song to the "Feminist Legion for the Advancement of Women." (So, it was a pretty big deal).
So then I thought: "That could never happen to me! Maxine and I are cool! We're best friends!" I went outside and took a walk around my neighborhood. As I started walking, everything around me started reminding me of Maxine. People driving the street playing her songs, her face appearing on billboards, walls, posters, etc., everywhere! I even went to a KFC to order a 10-piece bucket meal and there was a family who sung her song as loud as possible! I got my meal to go and ate while I was walking back home. As I ate my chicken, I started thinking: "I wonder how Maxine was doing. Let me call her when I get home!" The thought of me calling Maxine on the phone made me want to sprint all the way to my house! I grabbed my bucket of chicken and held it tightly and dashed all the way to my house. I managed to make it back home in under 5 minutes and I ended up tiring myself out!
I put my chicken on the counter and went towards my phone. I picked up my phone and dialed Maxine's number! I couldn't contain myself! I was about to talk to Maxine on the phone! I can't believe it! But as I listened to the dial tone for 10 seconds, I heard the following recording:
*Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.*
That's when I thought "No, no, no! She has to answer! She always answers!" I picked the phone up once again and called her number. Again, dial tone for 10 seconds and the same message:
*Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.*
I put the phone down on my table and very slowly, sat on my couch and started crying. I cried out:
"Why won't she answer me? Why? Why? Why?!!"
Then I did the dumbest thing that I could possibly think of! I tossed my phone across the room and it hit a lamp! I then curled into a ball on my couch and cried myself to sleep. A couple of minutes later, I had a dream. A dream that pretty much changed my whole character in a matter of minutes. In the dream, I got a call from Maxine! I said:
"Maxine! Oh am I glad to hear from you!"
She giggled and said:
"Me too! How are you?"
I responded:
"Great ever since I started talking to you! What are you doing?"
She said:
"Oh...nothing! Just..."
Then I heard a man in the background saying:
"Hey, babe? Who is that?"
She answered the man by saying:
"Oh, nobody! Just a friend."
He said:
"Well, can your friend love you like this?"
Then all I heard was kissing and moaning on the other end. I got so upset at what I was hearing that I said, angrily:
"Hey, stop that! That's my girl!"
Then the man got back on the phone and said:
"Naw, bro! She's mine, man! Mine!"
Then Maxine yelled out:
"Ooh! You tell him, baby!"
Then the man said:
"And uhh...one last thing! Don't ever call her ever again, okay? WOLF OUT!"
Then Maxine yelled out:
"Ooh! That's what I like you, baby! I love it when you take charge! Now, kiss me!"
As they were going at it, I pretty much lost control and shrieked in furious anger:
And that's when I woke up! I looked around and my phone was still on the floor after I threw it at the lamp! I went over to the phone and picked it up off the ground. I called Maxine's number again and the same result occurred. 10 seconds of dial tone and then the same message.
*Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.*
I hung up the phone and yelled at the ceiling:
"AUGGHHH! Why is she not answering the phone?" I started going mad! I started losing it! I thought that Maxine was avoiding me on purpose! I need to speak to her! I just have to! Then that's when I had an idea! I got into my Ford Focus and drove to the bank! I went and made a withdraw on my entire life savings! $617.85! I was going to leave to go to California to go see Maxine! I went back to my house, bought a plane ticket online, got everything that I needed for the trip and left. I drove to the nearest airport, got on the flight headed to Cali and relaxed.
4 hours later
As I sat back in my seat, I started thinking about what I would do when I saw Maxine again. What would I say to her? How would I approach her? What would I do when I seen her? Millions of thoughts went through my head as to what would happen! But I figured: "Let's just watch and see what happens!"
It wasn't until 20 minutes that I heard an announcement from the pilot saying that we just touched down and that we arrived in California! I boarded off of the plane and entered the Los Angeles International Airport. I had nothing to carry except my wallet, bag and my MP3 player in my pocket. I started looking around for someone that could give me a ride. But apparently that wasn't hard because I just spotted a taxi outside the entrance of the airport. I went over to the driver and asked if he could give me a ride. He said:
"Where to?"
Being it was my first time in California, I didn't really know exactly where to go, so I just told him:
"Drop me off at the nearest hotel. You think you could do that?"
He replied, calmly:
"Yeah. I think I can do that."
We both got in the car and we drove down the street. I sat back in the seat that was tattered and had the stuffing popping out of it and the yellow paint was partially visible on the seat. Noticing this, I asked the driver:
"Hey, sir! How long have you had this taxi?"
He replied:
"10 years. 10 long years. Only it didn't look like this back then. Why ya askin'?"
I said to him:
"Uhh...just curious!"
He started coughing and replied bitterly:
"Well, ya know the ol' sayin'. Curiousity...*coughs*...killed the cat!"
I looked at him timidly and said:
He took out a cigarette, lit it up and started smoking it. And that was my cue to roll down the window! I rolled down the window and when I did, the glass was stuck and wouldn't go down.
"The driver said:
"Oh, I forgot. The windows don't work!"
I sat back in my seat and thought "Are you serious? You have got to be kidding me?" Then I just looked at all of the places in Los Angeles. There were fancy restaurants and Venice Beach and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Then I seen someone that I never thought I was going to see until later on in the day- Maxine! I couldn't believe it! She was already on stage singing to a crowd of people!
I told the driver to stop the car and he did just that without hesitation! I got out and he yelled out:
"Hey, where ya goin'?"
I told him:
"I'm going to see someone!"
I ran straight into the crowd full of people trying to get to Maxine. People kept shoving and pushing and pulling to the point where it was difficult for me to even get around. I got as far as the middle of the crowd until I confronted a large, fat man with a short temper. He had a bag of popcorn in his hand which he ended up dropping.
He looked at me very sternly and yelled:
"Hey, man! Watch where you'r goin'! You made me drop my bag of popcorn and I paid 5 bucks for that bag!"
I looked at him, nervously and said:
"Hey, buddy! I don't want any trouble!"
Then he said, angrily and said:
"Oh, you got trouble, punk!"
He picked me up with his bare hands and yelled:
"I gonna make you pay for what you did!"
Then someone from the right of me said:
"Stop! Put him down!"
We both looked to the right and saw that it was Maxine that said that. The man put me down and I dusted myself off. Then I looked at Maxine and she looked back at me.
I made my way up to the stage and we both looked at each other. She put the microphone and asked me:
I said:
"Yes. It's me!"
She said:
"What are you doing here?"
I said to her:
"I came to see you! I mean, you didn't return my calls! Texts! Nothing! I mea"n, why?"
She said, reassuringly:
"Because when we texted last night, I told you that I was doing a benefit concert. I turned my phone off so that I wouldn't receive any calls or texts from anyone until I finished. I didn't want to reply to a text while I was performing. That would be aww-kward!"
I said:
"Oh. So you weren't avoiding me?"
She said, happily:
"Of course not! Why would I avoid you? I told you; you're a nice guy! But...I feel like we need to...stop seeing each other."
I said to her, panickly:
"Stop seeing each other?!! Why would we need to do that?!!"
She said to me, patiently:
"Because I feel like I'm stressing you out and I don't want to do that."
I said to her, in an even more panicked tone:
"Stressing me out? You're not stressing me out? If anything, you're my stress reliever!"
She said to me, concerned:
"Jeff, I'm sorry, but I need to let you go."
I grabbed her by her wrists and yelled out:
She looked at me with eyes of fear and terror. Then I had truly lost it to the point where I would result to physically harming this girl in order to get her to see how much I cared about her. She yelled out:
She yelled from the top of her lungs:
Two security guards came from the stage and just as soon as they did, I let go of Maxine and dashed out of there! I ran as fast as I could and as I was running, I heard footsteps and loud voices. I looked back and saw the whole audience from Maxine's concert chasing after me! The minute I seen them, without thinking, I yelled out:
"OH $***!"
I continue to run for dear life even though I was already tired! I had to think of something to escape the angry mob and up ahead, there was a streetlight with cars that stopped at the red light. I thought "Perfect! All I have to do is steal a car!" I ran up to a man in a Chevrolet Camaro. His window was down so I picked up a beer bottle that was on the ground, smacked it against his head, opened the car door, hurriedly took his seat belt off, threw him out and got in. I locked the door, rolled the window up and prayed for the light to turn green. As the angry mob got closer, I started yelling out frantically:
Then out of nowhere, I heard someone from the mob hit the back of the car. He yelled out, angrily:
Then I yelled out, fearfully:
Then a few people from the mob started surrounding the car that I was in including the large man that I had confronted earlier. He picked up the man from the ground and said:
"If you don't get out of this car, I AM GOING TO YANK YOU OUT AND BEAT YOU WITH THIS MAN!"
He told the man and slammed him on the top of the car repeatedly until the roof started to bulge. Everyone from the mob started yelling:
"Get out of the car! Get out of the car! Get out of the car!"
And as this was going on, I became more and more afraid! I was paralyzed to the point where I couldn't move! I thought: "This is the end for me! Goodbye, cruel, cruel world! I'm going to die by a vicious, angry mob!" And just when all seemed lost, the streetlight finally turned green and I pressed my foot on that gas pedal harder and faster than a lightning strike! When I drove the car, it took off down the street and I ended up running over 4 people that were in front of the car! I didn't care! I just want to escape! I drove down the street at 100 miles per hour with nothing to lose because I pretty much lost the one person that actually mattered to me- Maxine! So I didn't care! I was blinded by rage and a broken heart to care anymore! I didn't even want to live! I wanted to die! I didn't even want to walk on this very Earth. I didn't want anything! I was done with everything! Done with life! Done with my lousy existence! Done with everyone and everything!
Then, I heard a police siren and seen flashing police lights behind the Camaro. My nervous system shot through the roof! It was the cops! One of the police officers said through the microphone:
"Sir, pull the vehicle over!"
That's when a sudden rush of adrenaline overcame me and I started to feel untouchable! I rolled down the window, struck my head out and yelled out the infamous line to the police officer:
Then when I pulled my head back in the car and saw that the car was headed towards a pole! Realizing this was happening, I screamed my head off and braced for impact!
And I blacked out...
2 Hours Later
"Wake up, maggot!"
That's was all that I heard from anyone in 2 hours! Then I heard it again.
"I said, wake up! You piece of ****!"
Then I felt a splash of water hit my face and I started coughing up water! I wiped my eyes and reached for my shirt. I wiped my eyes and then looked at the color of my shirt! It was orange! Prison orange! I was in jail! I couldn't believe it! So, I got from the floor and tried to run, but was brought down by the prison guards and warden.
The warden look at me and said:
"And just where did you think you were goin'?"
He picked me up and pushed me to the wall. He said to me, coldly:
"You ain't goin' nowhere!"
I....could not...believe it. I was in the worst place that I could possibly be in. I was in the one place that I never expected to be in all of my wildest dreams! If anything, this is the one place that I tried so hard to stay away from. And it would also be the one place where I would rot for the rest of my life because of one stupid decision.
"Now turn around so I can take this damn mugshot!"
I turned around as the left side of my face touched the cold, icy wall. I started crying uncontrollably at all that happened in my life. The dream. Deciding to come to California to meet Maxine again. Hurting Maxine. Getting chased by an angry mob. Carjacking an innocent man. Getting chased by the police. And last but not least, crashing that man's car into a wooden telephone pole. I can't believe that I'm saying this, but...I deserve to be in here. I messed up my own life all because I was too blinded by wanting to see Maxine to see the damage that I was inflicting on myself. I was dumb, foolish and not to mention stupid. I needed to accept the fate that this where I will spend the rest of my days. In here. In this rotting hellhole. I accepted my fate. This is it....for me.
*camera snaps*
I was escorted by the warden to my cell. As I was walking, I looked around and heard nothing but the inmates yelling and howling throughout the jail. There were inmates at the upper level that saw me and yelled out:
"Hey look everyone! Fresh meat!"
"Hey baby! You're welcome in my cell anytime! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
"I'll see him in the shower! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
I felt frightened. I felt like these people were truly going to hurt me. It was hurt for me to walk down the walkway because my legs felt numb. I was constantly trembling due to the constant buildup of pain and overwhelming sadness that I was receiving. I couldn't contain myself! As I made my way to my cell, I looked inside other people's cell. There was one that was asleep, another that was dressed in girl's clothing, another one sitting at his bed making shanks out of the metal springs from his bed. And the cell that I was going to sleep in had a bed, a sink with a mirror, a window, a TV with a TV remote and a bucket.
"This is your cell! Get used to it! You're gonna be here for a looooooong time!" said the warden.
I walked inside the cell and laid on the bed. I stared at the cell and thought "This is where I'll be for the rest of my life? In this small, dank cell? Why me? Why did this had to happen to me? I just wanted to talk to a girl! Is that too much to ask?!!! Is it?!!!
Then I laid on the flat, lumpy mattress, picked up the remote and watched the news.
As soon as I heard that, I rose up in my bed.
*shuts TV off*
Great! Now I ran Maxine out of the country! My life...is over. But just as all hope seemed to be lost, one of the prison guards came to my cell and told me:
"Thompson! You made bail!"
Then I thought: "Who paid bail?"
Then I was escorted to the front office and sitting in one of the chairs was Maxine with two bodyguards sitting right beside her. As soon as I seen Maxine, I ran towards her to give her a hug, but one of the bodyguards hopped up and blocked me from getting to Maxine.
"You are not allowed any closer, sir!"
Then Maxine said:
"It's okay, Sobe."
Sobe sat down and stared coldly at me as if I was going to physically harm Maxine again. But I had no desire of harming Maxine. Maxine stood up and walked towards me. She looked so frail yet upbeat. She looked into my eyes and said:
"The fact that you came all the way to California to see me was the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me."
I, once again, stood in the middle of the floor as if I was frozen to the floor just like in Maxine's dressing room back at the Summer Music Bash in New York. She then did something that I never thought she would do. She walked to me, grabbed my face and kissed me. Immediately, my cheeks turned red and that's when I was completely frozen.
She looked into my eyes and whispered:
"If you love something, set it free."
She moved back and headed towards the exit. Her bodyguards got up and followed her out of the exit, leaving me standing in the middle of the front office. The clerk on the right of me said to me:
"Mr. Thomas. Come to the counter so you can pick up your belongings! Mr. Thomas! Mr. Thomas!"
But I wasn't listening. I was paralyzed from Maxine's kiss to do anything. But I could do one thing. I wept a single tear. Because I know that I was never going to see....another woman....like Maxine....ever again in my life.
*camera snaps*
I was escorted by the warden to my cell. As I was walking, I looked around and heard nothing but the inmates yelling and howling throughout the jail. There were inmates at the upper level that saw me and yelled out:
"Hey look everyone! Fresh meat!"
"Hey baby! You're welcome in my cell anytime! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
"I'll see him in the shower! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
I felt frightened. I felt like these people were truly going to hurt me. It was hurt for me to walk down the walkway because my legs felt numb. I was constantly trembling due to the constant buildup of pain and overwhelming sadness that I was receiving. I couldn't contain myself! As I made my way to my cell, I looked inside other people's cell. There was one that was asleep, another that was dressed in girl's clothing, another one sitting at his bed making shanks out of the metal springs from his bed. And the cell that I was going to sleep in had a bed, a sink with a mirror, a window, a TV with a TV remote and a bucket.
"This is your cell! Get used to it! You're gonna be here for a looooooong time!" said the warden.
I walked inside the cell and laid on the bed. I stared at the cell and thought "This is where I'll be for the rest of my life? In this small, dank cell? Why me? Why did this had to happen to me? I just wanted to talk to a girl! Is that too much to ask?!!! Is it?!!!
Then I laid on the flat, lumpy mattress, picked up the remote and watched the news.
As soon as I heard that, I rose up in my bed.
*shuts TV off*
Great! Now I ran Maxine out of the country! My life...is over. But just as all hope seemed to be lost, one of the prison guards came to my cell and told me:
"Thompson! You made bail!"
Then I thought: "Who paid bail?"
Then I was escorted to the front office and sitting in one of the chairs was Maxine with two bodyguards sitting right beside her. As soon as I seen Maxine, I ran towards her to give her a hug, but one of the bodyguards hopped up and blocked me from getting to Maxine.
"You are not allowed any closer, sir!"
Then Maxine said:
"It's okay, Sobe."
Sobe sat down and stared coldly at me as if I was going to physically harm Maxine again. But I had no desire of harming Maxine. Maxine stood up and walked towards me. She looked so frail yet upbeat. She looked into my eyes and said:
"The fact that you came all the way to California to see me was the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me."
I, once again, stood in the middle of the floor as if I was frozen to the floor just like in Maxine's dressing room back at the Summer Music Bash in New York. She then did something that I never thought she would do. She walked to me, grabbed my face and kissed me. Immediately, my cheeks turned red and that's when I was completely frozen.
She looked into my eyes and whispered:
"If you love something, set it free."
She moved back and headed towards the exit. Her bodyguards got up and followed her out of the exit, leaving me standing in the middle of the front office. The clerk on the right of me said to me:
"Mr. Thomas. Come to the counter so you can pick up your belongings! Mr. Thomas! Mr. Thomas!"
But I wasn't listening. I was paralyzed from Maxine's kiss to do anything. But I could do one thing. I wept a single tear. Because I know that I was never going to see....another woman....like Maxine....ever again in my life.
"Mr. Thomas!"